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2014-03-24 09:08  

1993.7—1997.7  大连理工大学工程力学系  本科
1999.7—2005.5  大连理工大学工程力学系  硕博连读
2005.6—2007.4  大连理工大学土木水利学院  博士后
2007.4—2010.12  大连理工大学船舶工程学院  讲师
2010.12—至今  大连理工大学船舶工程学院  副教授


[1] 李兴斯,张崎,谭涛.多目标结构优化设计的中心法.力学学报,2005,vol.37(5):606-610
[2] Zhang Qi, Li Xingsi. Simulation approach in stiffness reliability analysis, Computational Mechanics WCCM VI in Conjunction with APCOM’04, 2005, Beijing, China, Tsinghua university press & Springer-Verlag
[3] 张崎,李兴斯.海上导管架平台可靠性分析抽样-模拟方法.大连理工大学学报,2006,vol.46(2):166-169
[4] 张崎,李兴斯.基于kriging模型的结构可靠性分析.计算力学学报,2006,vol.23(2):175-179(EI)
[5] Zhang Qi, Li Xingsi. Semi-infinite programming based on kriging reliability analysis, International Conference on Nonlinear Programming and Applications, 2006, Shanghai, China
[6] 张崎,李兴斯.结构可靠性分析的模拟重要抽样方法.工程力学,2007,vol.24(1):33-36(EI)
[7] 吴宇新,宋晓杰,黄一,张崎,李欣.基于非线性均匀腐蚀理论的抗冰海洋平台疲劳分析.中国海洋平台,2008,vol.23(5):15-18
[8] 高月华,张崎,王希诚.基于kriging模型的汽轮机基础动力优化设计.计算力学学报,2008,vol.25(5):610-615(EI)
[9] 徐丹,岳前进,张崎,王延林. 光纤光栅应变计监控海洋平台上部活动荷载.海洋工程,2008,vol.26(4):23-26,
[10] 张崎,李兴斯.以Kriging可靠度分析为基础的半无限规划. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2009,vol.41(2):176-179
[11] 宋晓杰,黄一,张崎. 基于Kriging模型抗冰海洋平台管节点疲劳可靠性研究. 中国海洋平台,2010,vol.25(1):32-35
[12] Li, Yang; Huang, Yi; Liu, Gang; Zhang, Qi; Li, Hong-Xia. A study on numerical simulation for collision response of a semi-submersible platform. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, vol4:699-705, 2010, Proceedings of the 20th (2010) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-2010(EI)
[13] Huang, Yi; He, Qiyun; Wang, Pu; Liu, Gang; Zhang, Qi; Li, Hongxia. Numerical simulation with parallel computation for anti-corrosion system of ocean structure. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, vol3: 694-701, 2010, Proceedings of the 20th (2010) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-2010(EI)
[14] Zhang, Qi; Zhang, Rixi; Huang, Yi; Yang, Hongbiao.Design and analysis of taper stress joint for top tensioned risers. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, vol2:23-28, 2010, Proceedings of the 20th (2010) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-2010(EI)
[15] Huang, Yi; Zhang, Yan; Liu, Gang; Zhang, Qi. Ultimate strength assessment of hull structural plate with pitting corrosion damnification under biaxial compression. Ocean Engineering, 2010,vol.37(17-18):1503-1512(EI、sci)
[16] 王延林,岳前进,毕祥军,张崎.导管架平台甲板荷载长期监测.中国海洋平台,2010,vol.25(3):47-51
[17] 高明,刘刚,黄一,张崎,黄如旭.渔船吊装下水强度有限元分析.船舶工程,2011,vol.33(6):18-21
[18] 倪侃侃,张崎,黄一. 顶部张紧式立管冲程分析.山东交通学院学报.2011,vol.19(4):59-62
[19] 董磊磊,张崎,黄一.深水立管波致疲劳分析的确定性方法.中国造船.2011,vol.52(4):109-117
[20] 陈营营,黄一,李红霞,刘刚,张崎.自升式钻井平台风暴自存状态性能分析研究.船海工程.2011,vol.40(6):142-145
[21] 黄一,栾林昌,张崎.自升式平台主船体结构强度分析.船海工程.2011,vol.40(6):125-128
[22] 赵炳星,黄一,刘刚,张崎.两种桩靴强度校核方法的比较.船海工程.2011,vol.40(6):168-171
[23] 杨杰,黄一,张崎,赵德有. 随机导管架平台结构动力可靠性及灵敏度分析.中国造船,2011,vol.52(2):117-123
[24] Zhang, Qi, Yang, Hong-Biao; Huang, Yi; Zhang, Ri-Xi. Effect of several key parameters on the dynamic analysis of TTR. Journal of Ship Mechanics.2012,vol.16(3):296-306(EI)
[25] Zhang, Ri-xi; Zhang, Qi; Huang, Yi. Design and analysis of tapered stress joint for Top Tensioned Riser system. China Ocean Engineering.2012,vol.26(3): 507-520(EI、sci)
[26] 董磊磊,张崎,黄一.基于Longuet-Higgins分布的深水立管疲劳分析.华中科技大学学报(自然科学版).2012,vol.40(5):41-45(EI)
[27] 阎岩,张崎,黄一.基于张力腿平台的顶张紧式立管碰撞分析.上海船舶运输科学研究所学报.2012,vol.35(1):1-6
[28] 张崎,黄一,赵炳星.深水TTR立管管中管结构非线性时域分析.船舶工程.2012,vol.34(4):90-93
[29] 张日曦,张崎,黄一.小径厚比深水管道的压溃屈曲研究.船舶工程.2012,vol.34(4):94-97
[30] 董磊磊,张崎,黄一.基于时域缩放的深水立管波致疲劳分析.华南理工大学学报(自然科学版).2013,vol.41(4):127-131(EI)
[31] 董磊磊,张崎,黄一.基于能量法的非黏合柔性立管轴对称响应分析.华中科技大学学报(自然科学版).2013,vol.41(5):122-126(EI)
[32] 杨杰,张崎,黄一.结构可靠性灵敏度因子的一种新指标.工程力学.2013,vol.30(6):16-21(EI)
[33] 黄一,甄兴伟,张崎,王文华.新型超深水海洋油气开发装置概念设计.大连理工大学学报.2013,vol.53(6):851-857
[34] Dong, Lei-Lei; Zhang, Qi; Huang, Yi; Liu, Gang. Computationally efficient approaches to fatigue analysis of deepwater risers. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2013, vol.18(4): 493-499(EI)
[35] Dong, Leilei; Huang, Yi; Zhang, Qi; Liu, Gang. An analytical model to predict the bending behavior of unbonded flexible pipes. Journal of Ship Research, 2013, vol.57(3): 171-177(EI、SCI)
[36] Ji, Da Wei; Huang, Yi; Zhang, Qi. Multi-objective optimization based on TTR interference analysis. Advanced Materials Research,2013,vol(753-755):1217-1220, Materials Processing and Manufacturing III(EI)
[37] Dong, Leilei; Huang, Yi; Zhang, Qi; Liu, Gang. Taper design and non-linear analysis of bend stiffeners at the riservessel interface. SHIPS AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES, 2013, vol.8(2): 189-199(SCI)
[38] Jie Yang,Yi Huang,Qi Zhang,Deyou Zhao. A Method of a New Iteration Scheme Combined with Kriging Model for Structural Reliability Evaluation. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science), 2012, vol.17(4): 415-420(EI)
[39] Lei-lei Dong, Yi Huang, Qi Zhang and Gang Liu.Fighting Riser Fatigue with Less Effort. Offshore Marine Technology (The Naval Architect增刊), 2012, 3rd Quarter:17-19. (SCI)


[1] 刘刚,黄一,张崎,李红霞.船舶与海洋工程专业实践教学改革与校企合作探讨.船海工程,2011,vol.40(4):34-36
[2] 李红霞,黄一,刘刚,张崎.在海洋结构物动力学教学中引入基于问题式学习的教学方法.船海工程,2011,vol.40(4):68-70
[3] 刘刚,黄一,张崎,李红霞.促进学习能力和动力的课堂教学方法探讨.教育教学论坛,2012,26:146-148
[4] 刘刚,黄一,张崎,李红霞.基于产学研合作的全日制专业学位研究生培养与实践.船海工程,2012,vol.41(6):112-115
[5] 刘刚,黄一,张崎.基于工程案例的“船舶板壳力学”教学方法改革及实践.教育教学论坛,2013,24:31-32



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